Always remember those who lost their lives on this day


Welcome to my page. I am your...ummm...webmistress,agent1188, philly41, and my most recent alias, Peaceful Angel

I've learned alot from different people I've met on the web and websites. Most of the time, if I found a site that I liked...I just wrote to that person and they explained to me how they achieved a certain look or other enhancement.***That's what is great about the web, people sharing their knowledge so that we can all learn together*** It's been about six years since I've been typing away at the computer learning as I go...sharing what I've learned with others. It's been two years since I've taken the graphics program, Paint Shop Pro and started learning different ways to create images. I continue to learn and and I'm just flattered when someone sees my little space on the web and ASKS ME how I did something.

All of this information is either fun stuff I found on the web or my interests (off and online) or things that I find educational. Please relax, enjoy your stay here and thank you for visiting.

911 image


Causes that I Support

Odyssey Healthcare

American Syringomyelia Alliance Project

World Arnold Chiari Association

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

VPC-Gun Safety

Peaceful Embrace
by Carrie Early

Test of Time
by Carrie Early

Obscured by Clouds
by Carrie Early

Pledge of Allegiance

Former Enemies

If I Had My Life to Live Over


Goodnight Kiss

Wise Words


Arnold Chiari Malformation Reference Page

Paint Shop Pro Links

Fluffy and Calie's Page

The Ceecee and Boo Memorial Page

About Me-Offline

This was adopted by my good friend, Angel Romance.
I'm the one on the left **pretty good likeness--LOL

secretagent1188 got their NeoPet at

This is angel_acara
