Welcome to my page. I am your...ummm...webmistress,agent1188, philly41, and my most recent alias, Peaceful Angel
I've learned alot from different people I've met on the web and websites. Most of the time, if I found a site that I liked...I just wrote to that person and they explained to me how they achieved a certain look or other enhancement.***That's what is great about the web, people sharing their knowledge so that we can all learn together*** It's been about six years since I've been typing away at the computer learning as I go...sharing what I've learned with others. It's been two years since I've taken the graphics program, Paint Shop Pro and started learning different ways to create images. I continue to learn and and I'm just flattered when someone sees my little space on the web and ASKS ME how I did something.
All of this information is either fun stuff I found on the web or my interests (off and online) or things that I find educational. Please relax, enjoy your stay here and thank you for visiting.