Since my enthusiasm to learn how to use Paint Shop Pro has
grown to EPIC proportions, I thought it would be nice to share my favorite
Paint Shop Pro bookmarks with you. The internet is a wonderful resource to find many wonderful things.
I think it's nice for you to link me just so
we can all learn together and I find it interesting to visit your sites.
This is not going to be an all inclusive list, but links to
websites that I like. |

ODDS N ENDS-Textures and Patterns,
Spectrum Glass (for Stained Glass graphics)
Sparklies |
Many of these sites can fall in more than one category, so I have a Key
for you to follow
KEY- M=Masks, T=Tubes, Tx=Textures, G=Gradients
*Another note-Some of these goodies, I downloaded from Egroups I belong to (usually Yahoo Groups so the link I provided takes you to the group's home

Tubes courtesy of Phyllis
and Jazzl
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