Had any taken time
To know you as I do,
They never would have let you go
And held on tight to you.

They would have seen a glowing
From deep within your heart,
They would have heard a tune so sweet
The Angels could not part.

They would have felt a warmth so deep
That set them all ablaze,
And kept them longing for your touch
Until their final days.

Had any taken time
To know you as I do,
They'd know the way I feel each time
You love me like you do.

Copyright © 2001 - Carol Halling

Used by permission by the artists

Beverley LuCarol Halling

<bgsound src="midi/bycandlelight.mid" loop="10"> Right Click on the icon to adjust sounds.

Midi "By Candlelight" is used with permission and is copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer.
For your enjoyment, Mr. DeBoer's music is available as a CD.